How do I update the spreadsheet?

There are multiple tabs in the spreadsheet workbook,  but only the ‘Student Info’ page needs to be updated.

You will need to verify if the child:

  • continues to attend your child care centre/school
  • has correct and current personal information (spelling of name, date of birth, address and/or phone number)

You might need to complete one or more of the following actions:

  • Delete entire row – if the child no longer attends your child care centre/school
    • How to: Make sure to select the entire row by right clicking the row number on the left hand bar (This will highlight the entire row).  Then select ‘Delete’ from the menu.
  • Add new row – if the child attends your child care centre/school but is not on the list
    • How to: Scroll down to the bottom of the list and record the child’s personal information in the next available blank row.
  • Update personal information – if you find incorrect or not current information for a child
    • How to: Select any cell to update the information.  Make sure to use the acceptable values and/or follow the formats required.
      • Gender (F, M, X, Unk, Other)
      • Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
      • Phone number (must be ten digits/include area code ###-###-####)
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